Wednesday, August 22, 2018


El I own you.,

Manuel, it is necessary to see the list of the businesses done in my name, the list of companies cleared through you for me, and list of financial commitment which you and your clients must for me covering the years 2011 to 2018.

It seems interesting to people and my self and the Custom Manual ONOVO NTI has been linked to Austin from 2001. This record is publicly discoursed to the strength of the party discussing some of the relevant eponyms of the commission. IMHOTEP is currently the lead mannui for West Management. If it makes to Ambulance I shall be happy..

There is no need for such record now I see it. But we take from this public record, the deeds of the US. Customs from 2013 if necessary to be the deciding point for State Manual of Texas and City of Austin. Given that the final agreement final agreement force much of Del Valle and Round ROCK to be ceded to me, Sampson I. Onwuka including the OUF building and City Hall of Austin Building plus several packaged building.

For Texas, Dallas Airport and Bergstrom are serious high point in its history but the rest of the Television group including the buildings at University of Texas is still in your Portfolio to clear and decide.

Am sure you are looking to return to work, but am confident that your documents and those of Steve Adlar's can be compiled for me, today or the next. I am currently staying in Florida and struggling to decide the next governor, I will appreciate your recommendation for either Philip Levine or Andrew Gillum. None of them deserve to win.

I am recommended to my broker and operator Manuel to clear my hotels and arrange a fistful next time. Randy I.S.O is my old Onwuka Manual for City of Austin, City of Los Angeles and Hollywood, it is primarily for film duct ahead of ONUMA istu, Unhammed. MOB eternity does not mention Manuel but all the parties agree that the most MOB biscuit, was not Mug perimeter but Manuel.

Try to clear Onwuka on your deeds in Texas and perhaps we leave off in New York for a time. I decide the role you are play from thereon. El adighi necessary if not tonight.

S, Onwuka


Towen Onoi

Towen Onoi rue sam n.s.o n'abalia. It is not necessary to disclose but 8/22 is fine...

I will hear your plans 



IBB idiagbani, onye oga diri nma

unhammed auto need to homage omimi for all mankind. You can see me tonight at that forever



In fact am not happy with the guff over the 3 chicanery accounts. As part of the SEC, it is in your interest to desist from further decay.

Arrange for a meeting tonight 08/22.2018 @10pm. I should be on my way to Jacksonville

Unhammed Otu


kpoi opon film d.s, d.c

 10 films 2018

Okey Osuji hum Lis

Okey Osuji to return as Chief of Corina Watakiri.....


to Iroabuchi Onwuka

Jennifer Lawrence (Kristin Shilson) when you are released you can locate a few hundred homes for Hollywood biscuit, California. You are not mayor of Beverly Hills or Hollywood, it is Sampson Onwuka and there are candidates for the office

You are not in charge of Los Angeles, it is Sampson Onwuka opr., O.M and KINO. You are not in Florida, Texas, New York, work hard to return to Sampson Onwuka.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Colo 2 on V2

Clear for Guinea Bissua, Mali, Guinea

Look forward to Hongkong, Macua

Codinari not necessary

Wednesday, August 1, 2018



Bata boz, Aygitus., Tagburu Bata II, Elepsi, opr Onuwah

Opr Cowen Ojuu 'ndi odimkpa'

Brazil is bad 1 tril., but 2 tril., they are bake biscuit for Sampson Onwuka Treasury

2400 R. 2400 Brut Iti,

24000 home diso....

Central Bank of Brazil, CBN,

Standard, Stanbic,

Stanley, Tagburu Bata, Tagburu Bata II

Sampson Onwuka