Friday, November 1, 2019

Mr., Sampson I. Onwuka

To ALL O.D, official dictators of U.S detention and Prison….

I have to meet your Gov. and mandators for a once every-other-upon privilege of getting to know the Chief (Chairman., who will heading to the United Kingdom for a role with the throne of England first, then Scotland, Wales, Ireland, King of the United Kingdom…

For the men, I think the Chief is a Ran Onwuka, both Federal and All man nove…for the States we are active….(38 States, Co-for the rest of 50 States


For the women, we the Chief is a Dixie Onwuka, both Federal and All man nove…for the States we are active…(38 States, Co-for the rest of 50 States….

Mr. Sampson I. Onwuka….

TO ALL, O.D, Official Director (Dictator) of U.S Detention Centers and Prisons.....

From the O.D, official dictator of U.S detention and Prison….Mr. Sampson I. Onwuka....

I have to meet your Gov. and mandators for a once every-other-upon privilege of getting to know the Chief (Chairman., who will heading to the United Kingdom for a role with the throne of England first, then Scotland, Wales, Ireland, King of the United Kingdom…

For the men, I think the Chief is a Ran Onwuka, both Federal and All man nove…for the States we are active….(38 States, Co-for the rest of 50 States


For the women, we the Chief is a Dixie Onwuka, both Federal and All man nove…for the States we are active…(38 States, Co-for the rest of 50 States….

Mr. Sampson I. Onwuka….

S.O.E.&I 67



We can handle the Washington D.C – New York plunk in administration

I think we can useless the opportunity to raise commissioners for the new American Hostel….

TRY to get the AIRLINE Commission to do pick up in BOISE, IDAHO….

I can still make the 50 States plus the Canada PROVINCES…

Mr. Sampson Onwuka….Heibei International

Mr. Sampson Onwuka....

HEIBEI Airlines Thul 78


We can handle the Washington D.C – New York plunk in administration

I think we can useless the opportunity to raise commissioners for the new American Hostel….

TRY to get the AIRLINE Commission to do pick up in BOISE, IDAHO….

I can still make the 50 States plus the Canada PROVINCES…

Mr. Sampson Onwuka….Heibei International

MR. Sampson Onwuka